*** Holidays *** Schnitzel December 14, 2012 Holidays! The last school day on Friday was perfect, Verena had her goodbyes at the kindy, they received their last story, sung their last song,… Continue Reading
Class Plays Schnitzel December 13, 2012 Anna’s last week at school was topped by her classes’ play on Wednesday, they had been training their lines for two months and were very… Continue Reading
Cobb Valley Schnitzel December 12, 2012 At one of my “over the fence” talks with our neighbour Brian, I learned more about the Cobb Valley, the reservoir lake, the huts, the… Continue Reading
Harvesting Schnitzel December 11, 2012 Our garden is flourishing and growing, or rather exploding with salad and veges – I want to have something like it at home too, please!… Continue Reading
Towers Bay Schnitzel December 10, 2012 The wonders of Towers Bay are numerous … the obvious, the split apple, a granite rock sitting just offshore, is only one of them. Most… Continue Reading
Motueka Sunday Market Schnitzel December 10, 2012 “The Motueka Sunday Market operates every Sunday from 8am to 1pm, rain or shine, in the Decks Reserve carpark, behind the i-Site visitor information centre.… Continue Reading
Earthquake! Schnitzel December 8, 2012 When I got up in the morning and turned on the computer to download the latest set of photographs and post to the blog, I… Continue Reading
Medlands Bay Schnitzel December 8, 2012 As the ship couldn’t go to Bark Bay it picked us up at Meddy’s Bay at 4:30 pm ~ at that time we were already… Continue Reading
Bark Bay Schnitzel December 8, 2012 Nothing better after a long walk than a refreshing bath in the ocean… Continue Reading
Frenchman’s Bay, Halfway Pool, South Head and Falls River Swingbridge Schnitzel December 8, 2012 2,5 hours were the predicted walking time and it was a good estimation, we took our time and did it in three hours up to… Continue Reading