Morning Breeze Schnitzel July 20, 2012 The Mornings are very vivid lately, we all wake up way before sunrise, have a long winter breakfast together in our kitchen with cacao, cereals,… Continue Reading
New Zealand seals colony Kiwi July 19, 2012 Not far away from Kaikoura we saw a colony of several dozens of so called New Zealand seals. Continue Reading
A lobster for brunch Kiwi July 19, 2012 Kaikoura is famous for whale watching tours – and for lobsters, sold at the street side on highway #1. Similar to Kebap and Leberkässemmel in… Continue Reading
4 people, 4 big bags, 4 small bags and a little car Kiwi July 19, 2012 Phill, the car dealer, was so kind to pick us up directly from the airport. He came with a big car so there were no… Continue Reading
Jetlag Kiwi July 19, 2012 It doesn’t happen very often in our family that everybody wakes up at 1:00 AM, but it has some real advantages. Plenty of time to… Continue Reading
A three day’s journey Schnitzel July 18, 2012 Monday, 16th of July 2012 7:00 – Waking up to a last windy and rainy austrian morning, stuffing the already weighed (23 kg for big… Continue Reading
Summer vs. winter Kiwi July 14, 2012 The forecast for the next 5 days: How I love those Austrian summers.. ;) Continue Reading
Will we get all connection flights? Kiwi July 14, 2012 Two days before they journey begins. All rooms at home are empty, waiting for guests to arrive. All documents are ready, the school is organized,… Continue Reading
Yes, we’re packing! Schnitzel July 5, 2012 … or at least we decided who gets which suitcase and stuffed animal :) Continue Reading