The Split Apple Schnitzel August 6, 2012 There’s one thing not to miss once you’ve got your teeth into Abel Tasman National Park: the split apple rock. It’s not exactly at the… Continue Reading
Lake Rotoiti Schnitzel August 6, 2012 As it has been wet all week and didn’t seem to lighten up we decided to have a little road trip to a nice recreation… Continue Reading
Dandelion Schnitzel August 5, 2012 Curiosity kills the cat! And it almost got to me this time, but luckily I picked a thing I came to like over the last… Continue Reading
Nelson Schnitzel August 4, 2012 Another Saturday’s Nelson Market, we just love it. It has a very oldfashioned way (and there are also many old things to find) but also… Continue Reading
Homely Schnitzel August 3, 2012 Some impressions of our daily (indoors) life at Motueka – The girls in the morning: Last minute reading and hairstyling. Playing on the street near the… Continue Reading
Rainy days Schnitzel August 2, 2012 Last week has been all grey and rainy, especially in the nightly hours which brought up a slight camping feeling (in the merely insulated houses… Continue Reading
Euphory! Kiwi August 1, 2012 It’s a bit like being in love with someone. The first months are the most exciting, everything is new and you experience an euphory that… Continue Reading
Collingwood Schnitzel July 30, 2012 The drive back to Takaka brought us straight to Collingwood, because all of us tend to get a little bit edgy when not fed well.… Continue Reading
Bainham and Aorere River Schnitzel July 30, 2012 The idea was to do a little walk and to visit the historic Salisbury swing bridge near Bainham. To our regret, we found no bridge… Continue Reading
Te Waikoropupu Springs Schnitzel July 30, 2012 The springs were recommended to us, especially als a walk with children. And it is a really beautiful spot where a whole river arises spontanously… Continue Reading