East Coast Schnitzel November 25, 2015 When we were first thinking about leaving everything behind a decade ago, New Zealand was uncharted territory for us, a dream. Since then, we not… Continue Reading
A week off! Schnitzel November 24, 2015 Christchurch we come – looking for recreation, attending Mini-Olympics of Anna’s class, a piano … Continue Reading
The kitchen is in! Kiwi November 19, 2015 The guys from Bays Joinery did a great job with our kitchen. They didn’t fight my unusual design concept and managed to create maybe the… Continue Reading
Painting the walls Kiwi November 14, 2015 These guys kept us waiting a bit too long, so our move-in date was postponed by 11 days. But they did a great work! Continue Reading
Moving again… Kiwi November 11, 2015 We knew that it probably wouldn’t work out to finish the house until our neighbors come back for this summer season. But the day we… Continue Reading
The broody hen Kiwi November 4, 2015 “broody” definition: A hen that is committed to hatching chicks is known as a broody. The state of being broody is controlled by instinct, hormones… Continue Reading
Timber floor Kiwi November 2, 2015 When I started researching on available flooring options in NZ about a year ago, we were surprised how expensive flooring in general is. Most interestingly,… Continue Reading
Garden update – November 1st Kiwi November 1, 2015 We’ve been busy in the garden lately. A thick layer of bought hop compost helps us to speed up the process of improving our poor… Continue Reading
Ngatimoti Festival Kiwi October 25, 2015 Wow, that’s a big festival for such a tiny town! Must be thousands of visitors here in Ngatimoti, just a few kms away from Mot. Continue Reading