Von Dorfbeuern nach Ibm, zum Heratinger (Ibmer) See, nach Lamprechtshausen und retour – Road trip.
Getting around a bit to revisit places we used to know.This girl is brave enough to drive on the right side of the road!Schlosskapelle Mariahilf in Ibm.Strandbad Ibm.A few people cannot believe it’s already autumn. Sitting here in the sun I also (almost) wish I had brought a bikini.The nuphar luteum flowers still are in bloom.A crossroads “Marterl”.Typical farm buildings and machinery.The whale silhuette at lake Ibm.Just love balconies with an abundance of flowers!Old farm.Ohhhhhhhh :)In the middle of Michaelbeuern.The Benedictine monastery Michaelbeuern.The symbolism of the coat of arms of the Benedictine Abbey of Michaelbeuern refers to its patron – with the two wings of the archangel on the left on a red background and on the right on a blue background. This motif was also the starting point for the municipal coat of arms of Dorfbeuern in 1965, in which the right wing is covered with a red ball and the left with a blue ball and there is a silver (white) ball between the two wings. The three balls symbolize apples, which are attributes of St. Nicholas, the parish patron of Dorfbeuern.Entrance to the abbey…. time to turn around.A beautiful, quiet place. Next time I’ll book the tour!Outside of the monestary and church.Marterl (Little chapel).Cemetary and church in Lamprechtshausen.Last light on the Flachgau, maybe more adventures tomorrow!