Before the resort was built on Naukacuvu Island, the area was planted with casawa, banana, coconut and mango trees, jackfruit and other staples of the Fiji kitchen. The whole island is also owned by the Soso village that lies on Naviti Island, a 20 minute boat ride away. Then, they came to harvest for their needs, today villagers come over to work in the resort, an example of a beneficial relationship.
The resort organizes tours to the village once a week, where a guide takes the visitors around and a donation to the village is made on behalf of each visitor.Buildings and surrounding gardens are simple, but seem not to lack anything. Plus the resort employees earn good money that goes back to the tribe one way or another and helps develop infrastructure and housing.Parts of the village have recently been replanted and modernised, we are intrigued to hear more about the development of the island.Yes, the simple life, but also a very happy one, it seems :)Everyone looks content and grounded, something that has been widely lost in the big cities of the western civilizations.Cutting corners to get to the kindergarten.Where this little blond haired boy is a welcomed distraction!Strolling through Soso.Stop at the school. A lot of children here this Morning!Next stop: Town church. Every Sunday, a service is held here, visitors welcome.Amazing craftsmanship, just look at these wood carvings at the ceiling!Soso beach, our shuttle is already (or still) waiting.Enjoying the ride!Almost back at the resort, wouldn’t miss a lunch for anything!What a wonderful day :)Essen ist fertig!See you tomorrow!