With the little one’s increasing dislike of long drives and consistently wet weather, we go back South. We’re coming home!
Good Morning in Whanganui. Needed to leave early to have enough time to get to Wellington and the ferry that’s leaving at noon.
Somewhere, behind a house in Levin, the amazing 5 metre high and 20 metre long mural of local cat Niko.
Racing on the newly built Transmission Gully highway.
Wellington. Not a lot of things planned, just two hours until we need to check in at the Interislander terminal.
Shopping at our favorite Wellinton retailer comes to mind … not long after we stand in front of finest European cured and smoked meats, cheeses and cakes. Since we have no idea if there will be a restaurant on the ride or just a cafĂ© that serves cold scones, like on our way north, we pack for picknic.
The sourdough baguette was still warm even!
More driving? Not amused! Waiting in the car until we can board is not cool either! I want out already …
This is the beauty that will carry us over the Cook Strait.
Fi.nal.ly! That was the longest wait!
Being one of the first to enter, we have all the upper deck to ourselves to explore. At least for 20 min or so.
Dad makes himself comfortable in a room with view.
While the little one is promenading again.
Testing the benches, climbing stairs, checking the life boats.
Somewhere in the middle of the trip it started to rain.
That makes even the little stuffed Schweindi very tired.
Low clouds through a rain battered window. We are welcomed back by the South Island ;)