From Tauranga via Te Puna to Waihi. Charging at Waihi town, sleeping at a bnb at Waihi Beach. Very active day.
Pit Rim Walkway at the Waihi Martha Mine, currently owned and operated by the australian company OceanaGold. Open mining is a thing of the past, today there’s only one entrance left that leads to a net of underground tunnels. Part of the roads (on the left) is already collapsed.Must have been like building the pyramids, just inverse. We can but wonder how much gravel (and gold) has been extracted from this site to come this far.The old pumphouse.“Charging” walk through Waihi township.Memorial Hall.Murals: An advertising for Waihi Art School, how clever.For your bach at home!Decorative corner.Is the painting girl looking up to the horse or vice versa?It’s almost time for lunch *grumbling stomach agrees*Just a few more photos!Almost back at the charger.The Rob Roy.And us! Finally putting these saussages on a grill. Also available: Sourdough baguette, sauerkraut, leftover rice. All warm and greasy!Enjoy!Our lunch spot today. Mahlzeit!