School event of the year, the annual High School ball, and now that both our girls are seniors (year 11 and 13), they’re stoked it’s on after two years of waiting for the next “real one” (no covid restrictions anymore)!
It’s Saturday afternoon, today’s plan included making fingerfood, getting corsage and boutonniere, making the dress ready, getting beautified, meet with friends before the ball, drive to the High School reception at the roundabout with a cool car, have fun at the ball, afterparty, hangout with friends, eventually sleep ;) Make up and hair were done with skillful hands, and time was flowing so quickly!Checking the outfit one last time…Best friends.While they wait on the balconythe third beauty gets her hair doneand it’s spectacular!This girl is ready to party!!!The last round for curls has started.Sisters.Corsage and boutonniere are exchanged.Cutest couple tonight :)These two found each other, too :D