Back at the Ebener Bürgerberg for a mid week skiday!
Arriving at Monte Popolo I, a double seater lift, one of two on the mountain.Ascending with the lift, Eben and the Tennengebirge greet from afar.Still early in the Morning, the sun hasn’t even dissolved the fog yet.Our eyes are watering seeing the slope so well prepared and empty!The Oberndorfer Schiclub Hütte, upper terminus of Monte Popolo I and also place of lots of good summer holiday memories of the last 20 years or so.The Reitlehen Alm, more or less the only stop for hungry (and thirsty) skiers.Preparing ourselves for the sport, arranging the last sock, leveling the goggles, closing the helmet …Views from the terrace, with or without telescope, are stunning.Loving the contrasts only winter brings forward.The sun seats are empty, but will be filled soon with sun lovers.First ski day in a long time for this girl, but she’s doing very well :)The good life.Moosalm barn half way down. In summer, the Kasnockn here were absolutely the best!Happy times on the summit lift.Some summits in the near Tennengebirge mountains.Beautiful mountains.Deep snow tracks.“Motorway” near Moosalm.Back at the Reitlehen. This time we’ll stay for lunch. Germknoedel here we come!Danke fuer den klassen Geburtstagsschitag, es war schoen, wieder einmal so richtig gas zu geben auf der Piste! Eure Maedels :)Last one for today! Maybe more next time yay!