Our time here has come to an end, we’re revisiting our favourite destinations, giving out last hugs and prepare to leave.
Chilling on the blanket.Snail race training.Baby talking.But baby wants to fight.Exhaustion after the workout.The boys.Another day, same blanket.Sunset at Na Hale.A new day outside our front door.Traveling to our favourite beach hangout.This guy is a bit tired.Or hungry, you never know.True love!Ulu (breadfruit).Watching another sunset, time flies.Morning walk to Keauhou Shopping Centre, like these yellow street markings, like the olden days back in Austria.Ixora shrub.Cute gecko. At night, they communicate via clicking sounds.A recently fed baby passing out on Dad’s arm.Family walk at the Kiholo beach.What a wonderful memory :)Queen’s bath at Kiholo.The freshwater filled lava tube with partially caved in ceiling.And the last week on Hawaii starts already!Moving in at Mauna Loa Village Keauhou.They even have a tennis court.Nice paved walks between the houses invites for stroller walks.Really nice setup here.Not the latest builds but still ok.Walking every foot of the village.Soon it will be time to leave.Give me a cuddle until we do ;)