Louise Dillingham Memorial Fountain on our way to the volcano.Koko Head (no, not today, just looking at this one from afar)Kahala lookout.Since the trolley doesn’t go into the crater anymore, we walk up from the Hawaii Film Studios.Further up the path.Just a few stair cases left.The crater views get kinda spectacular.The last one?It was, however, the steepest.Followed by tunnel and bunker (and more stairs)Until it opens up to the ocean.Looking down from there.Coast line.Diamond Head Lighthouse.The summit on the crater rim, this is where all the cool photos are taken.Waikiki in the distance.A green pill box further down the path (not accessible)Panorama, this was so worth it!After the struggle it’s good to go back down.Many visitors are swarming for the summit now.All we can think though is ‘pineapple’Back at the Memorial Park Trolley stop.That’s the stop right there, we made it in time phew.