Not far north from Nelson, near the little settlement of Hira, a winding road leads to Cable Bay.
The hilltop walk reaches as far as Glenduan, a good walk but if you want to go it through, Heaphy tactics are advised (two parties, two cars, different starting points, change key in the middle)(we didn’t do that this time)Not a lot to do there, either tanning at the beach or tanning on the walk.Halfway up the hill. I wish I was one of the sheep just laying there, munching some green stuff.But… turning around I see what the sheep see, the wonderful two coloured bay.And then I see this girl. She reached the ridge line first.Checking water reserve, trail directions and selfie fitness.Where Cable and Delaware meet.Entering the cow paddock.The fabolous three.A real cliffhanger.Ditching the cow part, they just had calves and have a moody protectiveness around them.Waiting for the photo person.And now? Summer enough too dip a toe?YES!Also, somebody’s special day :)Happy Birthday!