Aratiatia Rapids (in front of the dam) just before 10 am.After the sirens blared a few times the water started rising.And suddenly the whole valley is filled to the top with gurgling Waikato floods.Ruapehu lookout on the Desert Road.Mangaweka Bridge on Ruahine Road.The warning sign on entry basically says it can break down any minute, on your own risk :P (not a quote)Great views!The Rangitikei River near Flat Hills.A random gallery and since we want to be in Wellington by the evening, pics now are shot from the passenger seat of a moving car.Nice little cottages and sheds in on the countryside.Very rustic.And then… Bulls.Getting creative (or bored?).No bulls!The lower Rangitikei River south of Bulls.Mural in Foxton. Guess that’s it for today, arrived in Welly and cooked marvellous spaghetti carbonara as a treat.