Summer Holidays 2019: Te Paki

The region once was an island and only merged into NZ “recently” (in geological terms), but was stand alone long enough to have a special fauna and flora that is looked after by the DOC. But also, it has the Giant Sand Dunes, a fun paradise!

Renting some boards for the sand dunes.
Te Paki River.
A dry dune valley.
First dune surfer of the day.
Almost desert like, even with an oasis.
And over there, the tip of the pyramides!
Behind the giant wall of a dune, faces appear…
and they throw themselves down the hill!
Others jump.
Only the water and shoes wait patiently
until they return
But not so fast
There’s always another ride
Stopped counting!
Last time :) Then we need to go home, have a shower.
Te Paki River in the distance.


Donations in form of Darbo Preiselbeer Kompott are greatly appreciated ;)