Family weekend starts with a walk!The first bit is steep-ish.But not enough, we can still climb posts.Half way up, a scenic look back.Karst.Girls on a tree.Very hardy vegetation.Jumping sky high.Reached the transmission towers.Motivation needed for the next part of the walk, the southern circle.From where the views into the upper Takaka Valley are spectacular.Stoneman sits on his stone and watches the clouds.Moss on a tree.And then, the realisation that we have been here before and could redo the pictures.The “old” ones can be found hereNot so easy when the tree has shrunk!Better just sit on top.The path leads right trough.And then we need to make an important decision: Go on or back to the car? … After 3 hours the answer was clear: Car!!!Throwing a stone in a “tomo” (Karst cove).