Lake Pukaki at its very best turquois.The glacial feed to the lakes gives them a distinctive blue colour,created by glacial flour, the extremely finely ground rock particles from the glaciers.Appreciative about the beauty, we thought about a swim. Way too cold.Mirrorlake Pukaki.The colour of the water seemed to fade into a dark bluethat reflected the light even better.Lake Tekapo at Scott Pond.The church of the good shepherd.In the 19th century, Scottish shepherds came to work on the pastoral runs of the eastern South Island. The high country could not have been farmed successfully without the border collies they brought with them. To honour these ‘canine Scots’, a statue of a collie has been raised at Lake Tekapo.Toilet stop in Fairlie.Very pleasant spot for a break.Over Burkes Pass to Geraldine.The winding road becomes straight again and leads through an almost italian landscapegolden fields of wheat with trees that look just like tuscan cypresses…Amazing!